Wealth Creation Services

“Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath its shade.”

Arkad from "The Richest Man in Babylon"

Financial Advisory

“We are committed to providing our clients with an ongoing service of professional advice and support that includes tailored strategies to suit their individual goals and objectives.”

The financial advice process is tailored to suit your personal needs. We will work with you through each step of the below process to help uncover opportunities for your financial future.

Our reputation as a professional services firm is grounded in the success and strength of our clients. We focus on creating a long term partnership with you and our determination of helping you to achieve your goals. Speak to us for more information


“Don’t worry. With the right super advice, you can make your dream retirement a reality.”

We can help you:

  • Find out the super savings you’ll need to fund a comfortable retirement
  • Create more retirement wealth
  • Strategic advice to help you plan for your retirement

Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

Get the most out of your retirement

Running your own super fund can be complicated, expensive, time consuming and in some cases detrimental to your long term financial well being. With the right advice, it need’t to be.

Wealth Strategy

SFG can help you build your wealth with quality and relevant advice from one of our highly qualified financial advisers.

Wealth Creation Strategies may include:

  • Establishing a self managed super fund (SMSF)
  • Minimising tax through strategies such as super co-contributions and salary sacrifice
  • Investments such as direct shares, tax effective managed funds and fixed interest bonds etc.


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